

江戸の「連」文化×Second Life×公共圏な論文

THE SECOND TIMES : 米大学の日本人教授、江戸時代の民衆文化とセカンドライフを比較した論文を発表


池上英子氏はニューヨークを拠点に比較歴史社会学の分野で活躍しており、日本でも「名誉と順応—サムライ精神の歴史社会学」「美と礼節の絆 日本における交際文化の政治的起源」の著書がある。
池上氏は実際にセカンドライフにも頻繁にログインしており、そこで得た体験と氏のこれまでの研究を元に、仮想世界業界の批評刊行物「The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research」に論文「Avatars Are For Real: Virtual Communities and Public Spheres」を発表。

Avatars Are For Real: Virtual Communities and Public Spheres | Ikegami | Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Avatars Are For Real:Virtual Communities and Public Spheres

Eiko Ikegami, Department of Sociology, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research
and Piet Hut, Program of Interdisciplinary Studies, Institute for Advanced Study .

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Vol. 1. No. 1, ISSN: 1941-8477
“Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present & Future”July 2008

Using the historical example of Tokugawa Japan (1603-1867), we point out how artistic circles provided a “virtual world,” a kind of early modern “second life.” This world gave their participants the opportunity to escape from the vertical, hierarchical, feudal structure through the creation of horizontal public spheres, in loosely coupled networks based on the strength of weak ties. In an often playful way, these aesthetic circles provided alternative forms of sociability to premodern Japanese people. This in turn had a serious impact on the formation of political modernity in Japan. We explore parallels with the virtual world of Second Life. There, too, new public spheres are being carved out, in equally playful and largel apolitical ways, that may yet have profound and unforeseen consequences for society at large. We illustrate our analysis
with two novel examples of communicative spheres in Second Life, the Meta Institute for Computational Astrophysics and a broadly interdisciplinary initiative called Play as Being. In conclusion, we see the need for a theoretical revision of the notion of “public sphere” beyond its conventional usage. As the virtual worlds of Tokugawa, Japan and Second Life illustrate, the strength of weak-tie networks can form the basis for public spheres in a surprisingly large spectrum of times, locations and cultures.

Keywords: virtual worlds, virtual communities, Second Life, Tokugawa, Japan.

1. New Spheres of Communication
2. Freedom through Fluid Identities
3. Bonds of Civility in Virtual Worlds: Tokugawa Japan
4. Getting Hooked.
5. ‘Real Life’ and Other Lives.
6 . New Public Spheres in the Making
7. The Meta Institute for Computational Astrophysics
8. Play as Being
9. Virtual Roots for Public Spheres in Virtual Worlds
10. Second Lives, Past, Present, and Future



美と礼節の絆 日本における交際文化の政治的起源

美と礼節の絆 日本における交際文化の政治的起源

名誉と順応―サムライ精神の歴史社会学 (叢書「世界認識の最前線」)

名誉と順応―サムライ精神の歴史社会学 (叢書「世界認識の最前線」)

智場 #111 人のつながり −理論,社会,インターネット

智場 #111 人のつながり −理論,社会,インターネット

  • 作者: 秋山進,飯盛義徳,池上英子,井上明人,井庭崇,折田明子,ケニス・ニール・クッキエ,庄司昌彦,トーマス・W・ヘイズレット,渕野康一,増田直紀,湯川抗,渡辺弘美,加藤創太,森田沙保里,濱田美智子
  • 出版社/メーカー: 国際大学グローバル・コミュニケーション・センター(国際大学GLOCOM)
  • 発売日: 2008/04/30
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
  • クリック: 26回
  • この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る



Second Life is a virtual world that is exhibiting a new kind of existence, somewhere in
between that of on-line video games and the real world, but having quite a different flavor from
either of those two. Participants are called "residents" rather than "players."


Furthermore, once getting into focused interactions in the sense of Erving
Goffman (1963), avatar meetings in virtual worlds can carry a sense of co-presence that is
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research:- Avatars Are for Real stronger than that felt through
other forms of electronic communication, such as email, instant messaging, or phone conversations.
Even videoconferences, where voice is combined with
streaming video images, do not allow the participants to walk around, or to interact in any other
way than by waving to each other and holding up objects in front of the camera. In contrast,
avatars in a virtual world are free to explore the totality of their joint spaces. The intimate sense
of co-presence and being-togetherness has to be experienced to feel its full impact. (See, e.g.,
Castronova, 2007; Guest, 2007; Ludlow & Wallace, 2007; Au, 2008; Meadows, 2008;
Boellstorff, 2008)


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